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Tuesday 31 August 2010

Abul Hayat (Actor)

Biography Of Abul Hayat (Actor)

Full Name: Abul Hayat
Date of Birth:    7th September
Career: Abul Hayat is a popular name for his diversified appearance on the screen from mid-'70s to mid-'80s. Abul Hayat has a remarkable theatrical background. As a regular member of Nagorik Natya-sampradaya, he has taken part in most of the group's plays. Abul Hayat has also given direction to some stage plays.
Favourite playwrights Rabindranath Tagore, Syed Shamsul Haq, Mamunur Rashid, Selim Al Deen, Masum Reza, Badal Sarker, Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.
Awards: Sequence Award of Merit for introducing Naturalistic Acting on Stage introduced by Shilpakala Academy in 1974.

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